Complete Uninstall Software From Windows Computer

Completely Uninstall Software From Windows Computer

A computer with lots of running programs makes it slow. The best solution is either uninstall the software from windows 10 pc or stop their services. You are recommended to remove the app that is not in use. However, the apps that contain malware are hard to remove. They create registry files as well as … Read more

How To Fix Start Button Not Working In Windows 10 PC?

Start button not working in windows pc

It must have happened to you that Windows 10 freezes and won’t open when clicked on the Start button. You get frustrated if the start button not working in windows 10 either on the keyboard. Sometimes windows taskbar may also not responding with the start button. This problem may come due to bug updates, software, … Read more

Quick Fix “No Internet Secured” In Windows Computer?

How To Fix No Internet Secured Error

Are you facing an internet issue on your computer? Your computer is connected to wifi or ethernet but showing no internet secured error. Sometimes it may also show Limited internet on your windows computer. Possible other devices in your home connected to the internet and working fine. Only your computer is facing an internet problem. … Read more

How To Turn On Wifi On Windows Computer?

turn on wifi on windows

Wifi is an essential part of a windows computer. A computer needs internet or wifi to work better. Windows and other software get updated when it’s online. So, you should always turn on wifi on your windows computer. In this article, you will find how many ways you can enable the wifi on the computer. … Read more

What is AP Isolation In Wifi Router?

disable ap isolation in wifi router

AP Isolation is the feature that protects devices to communicate with each other on the same wifi network. An enabled AP isolation creates a virtual network for each client and they can’t get access other’s data. So, it closes all the possibilities to get data of other’s pc on the same network. In some routers, … Read more

How To Fix Wifi Not Working On Windows 10 Laptop?

windows 10 can't connect to this network

Wifi not working on windows 10 pc problem can be because of many reasons. The first and very common reason for this problem is the windows update. If your windows are not updated or getting message windows to update failure may be the reason behind wifi problem on windows 10 pc. Basic Tips To Fix … Read more